Behind Every Beetle Is A Beat…
Listen to all the tracks behind the TigerBeetle Beta release on Spotify or Apple Music and enjoy these liner notes written by the TigerTeam and friends involved with the release.

Peter Frampton
Are You Gonna Go My Way
The perfect TigerTracks opener: speed, precision... and thrash! But some tracks take awesome and elevate to a whole new level. This is one of those, and it does it twice. 17 seconds in, and you know this is going to be on heavy rotation. 18 seconds in, and there's this juicy Hammond organ blur by Rob Arthur that's less than a second, but enough to put this in the stratosphere. 2 minutes in, and the bass descends before a bright burst of guitar riff shoots on up sublime towards the mesosphere, taking you to another place, before the brilliance is back and the motif returns to a kicking finale, even better than the real thing.
— Joran

Peter Frampton
Are You Gonna Go My Way
The perfect TigerTracks opener: speed, precision... and thrash! But some tracks take awesome and elevate to a whole new level. This is one of those, and it does it twice. 17 seconds in, and you know this is going to be on heavy rotation. 18 seconds in, and there's this juicy Hammond organ blur by Rob Arthur that's less than a second, but enough to put this in the stratosphere. 2 minutes in, and the bass descends before a bright burst of guitar riff shoots on up sublime towards the mesosphere, taking you to another place, before the brilliance is back and the motif returns to a kicking finale, even better than the real thing.
— Joran

Led Zeppelin
Immigrant Song
If I need to knuckle down and focus, Led Zeppelin is one of my easy choices as a go-to soundtrack and the intro of Immigrant Song is an ideal way to kick off. It always reminds me of a scene from Shrek 3 when the princesses launch an attack on the castle accompanied by this song and "Barracuda" by Heart. It’s a great feel-good triumph-of-the-underdog scene that always gets my kids jumping up and down with joy.
— Adrian

Led Zeppelin
Immigrant Song
If I need to knuckle down and focus, Led Zeppelin is one of my easy choices as a go-to soundtrack and the intro of Immigrant Song is an ideal way to kick off. It always reminds me of a scene from Shrek 3 when the princesses launch an attack on the castle accompanied by this song and "Barracuda" by Heart. It’s a great feel-good triumph-of-the-underdog scene that always gets my kids jumping up and down with joy.
— Adrian

Barns Courtney
There's a rich cinematic blues landscape in here. The Ennio Morricone chants in an Eastwood Western or Johnny Cash in "Ain't No Grave" with a rattle of chains. There's something to seeing someone operate at peak performance and start to succeed. The fluency, the confidence and range. The long years of determination and belief that make the overnight dream an explosive success, as this chorus surely is. That make you want to dust off your guitar, write a smash hit, switch career and roar "Oh, give me that fire!"
— Joran

Barns Courtney
There's a rich cinematic blues landscape in here. The Ennio Morricone chants in an Eastwood Western or Johnny Cash in "Ain't No Grave" with a rattle of chains. There's something to seeing someone operate at peak performance and start to succeed. The fluency, the confidence and range. The long years of determination and belief that make the overnight dream an explosive success, as this chorus surely is. That make you want to dust off your guitar, write a smash hit, switch career and roar "Oh, give me that fire!"
— Joran

Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds
In The Heat Of The Moment
This was the track for benchmarking "AlphaBeetle" in January 2021 to simulate non-pristine lab conditions, the sheer speed and thrill that you feel as an early version of TigerBeetle accelerates from 200,000 TPS to 500,000 TPS. Crossing that half-a-million threshold for the first time. Driving in your car, listening to this, thinking about writing to shared memory with the Linux kernel... and it's the same experience: "mind blowing".
— Joran

Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds
In The Heat Of The Moment
This was the track for benchmarking "AlphaBeetle" in January 2021 to simulate non-pristine lab conditions, the sheer speed and thrill that you feel as an early version of TigerBeetle accelerates from 200,000 TPS to 500,000 TPS. Crossing that half-a-million threshold for the first time. Driving in your car, listening to this, thinking about writing to shared memory with the Linux kernel... and it's the same experience: "mind blowing".
— Joran

Paul McCartney, Live at Amoeba 2007
Drive My Car
There are two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things. This is a story about both. We were looking for a name for the prototype and Don came back in two minutes and said “What about TigerBeetle? A really fast beetle. Also to go with the idea that it survives anything.” Three minutes later we had decided this was the perfect name, so Joran asks “How did you know about them?” and Don replies “I didn’t 😂 I googled ‘fast beetle’” to which Joran replies “That was a very good google 😄 This is what I get for ‘fast beetle’ - Google images of Volkswagen Beetle cars”... And to this day, Google have yet to fix their search results. Here’s Paul McCartney with a rocking live version of The Beatles’ “Drive My Car”.
— Don & Joran

Paul McCartney, Live at Amoeba 2007
Drive My Car
There are two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things. This is a story about both. We were looking for a name for the prototype and Don came back in two minutes and said “What about TigerBeetle? A really fast beetle. Also to go with the idea that it survives anything.” Three minutes later we had decided this was the perfect name, so Joran asks “How did you know about them?” and Don replies “I didn’t 😂 I googled ‘fast beetle’” to which Joran replies “That was a very good google 😄 This is what I get for ‘fast beetle’ - Google images of Volkswagen Beetle cars”... And to this day, Google have yet to fix their search results. Here’s Paul McCartney with a rocking live version of The Beatles’ “Drive My Car”.
— Don & Joran

Against All Logic
Now U Got Me Hooked
The sampled lyrics in this killer deep house track echo the feelings I had while learning and falling in love with the Zig programming language. Zig has got me totally hooked with its unique combination of comptime code execution, low level control, and simplicity. The high emphasis on readability and explicitness in the design of the language itself makes maintaining my ever growing amount of Zig code a pleasure, and refactoring a breeze. With first class C interoperability as well, I don’t see myself choosing any other language over Zig in the near future for systems programming.
— Isaac

Against All Logic
Now U Got Me Hooked
The sampled lyrics in this killer deep house track echo the feelings I had while learning and falling in love with the Zig programming language. Zig has got me totally hooked with its unique combination of comptime code execution, low level control, and simplicity. The high emphasis on readability and explicitness in the design of the language itself makes maintaining my ever growing amount of Zig code a pleasure, and refactoring a breeze. With first class C interoperability as well, I don’t see myself choosing any other language over Zig in the near future for systems programming.
— Isaac

Scary Pockets and Elise Trouw
Jack Conte once remarked that it is an amazing experience collaborating with Elise; she comes prepared with ideas and remains focused throughout the session. The end result is a silky smooth funk cover of a classic. The TigerTeam group-calls echo this, where we iterated on the Node.js client design and performance optimizations. After the calls, I’d put on this track to help me get in the groove and implement some of the changes. The result: a light wrapper (cover) around the original Zig client.
— Don

Scary Pockets and Elise Trouw
Jack Conte once remarked that it is an amazing experience collaborating with Elise; she comes prepared with ideas and remains focused throughout the session. The end result is a silky smooth funk cover of a classic. The TigerTeam group-calls echo this, where we iterated on the Node.js client design and performance optimizations. After the calls, I’d put on this track to help me get in the groove and implement some of the changes. The result: a light wrapper (cover) around the original Zig client.
— Don

Tyler the Creator, Roy Ayers, Sydney Bennett & Kali Uchis
Find Your Wings
Joining the TigerTeam only weeks away from the release of BetaBeetle has been nothing short of an education. This track, “find your wings” is a great fit, for me and for the beetle. The beta release means that TigerBeetle is nearing the point of finding its wings as a fully-fledged, highly performant, sucker for safety. This is bold, TigerBeetle, pretty bold and we are rooting for you! To me, finding your wings is also about daring to try something, in some way, with the chance that you may be able to fly. The TigerTeam is and has been bold in their endeavours. This gorgeous music is a beautiful way to celebrate the idea of being bold and of putting in good effort.
— Tseli

Tyler the Creator, Roy Ayers, Sydney Bennett & Kali Uchis
Find Your Wings
Joining the TigerTeam only weeks away from the release of BetaBeetle has been nothing short of an education. This track, “find your wings” is a great fit, for me and for the beetle. The beta release means that TigerBeetle is nearing the point of finding its wings as a fully-fledged, highly performant, sucker for safety. This is bold, TigerBeetle, pretty bold and we are rooting for you! To me, finding your wings is also about daring to try something, in some way, with the chance that you may be able to fly. The TigerTeam is and has been bold in their endeavours. This gorgeous music is a beautiful way to celebrate the idea of being bold and of putting in good effort.
— Tseli

Matthew Mole
Holding On
I mostly enjoy songs that I can sing in the car. This is a good one because it speaks of tenacity. Pride is easily bruised but life is about holding on and showing up despite that. Strength does not have to be found in being the best. It can also stem from getting out there and doing it anyway. I find that a very liberating idea and a great way to start the day.
— Sarah

Matthew Mole
Holding On
I mostly enjoy songs that I can sing in the car. This is a good one because it speaks of tenacity. Pride is easily bruised but life is about holding on and showing up despite that. Strength does not have to be found in being the best. It can also stem from getting out there and doing it anyway. I find that a very liberating idea and a great way to start the day.
— Sarah

Black Pumas
There are small things that happen that make us think: Today will be awesome. The song Colors, from Black Pumas, is one of these. It invites you to close your eyes, shake your head and sing along to Eric Burton's smooth voice. The song transmits a relaxing vibe that certainly will boost your soul and give you enough energy to keep you productive for an entire day (or night)!
— Joy

Black Pumas
There are small things that happen that make us think: Today will be awesome. The song Colors, from Black Pumas, is one of these. It invites you to close your eyes, shake your head and sing along to Eric Burton's smooth voice. The song transmits a relaxing vibe that certainly will boost your soul and give you enough energy to keep you productive for an entire day (or night)!
— Joy

Portugal. The Man
Feel It Still
This song was my first exposure to Portugal. The Man and I’ve been a big fan ever since. The foot-tapping beat in this track is nearly as addictive as “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson but the lyrics are just plain cool: “Ooh-ooh, I’m a rebel just for kicks now, let me kick it like it’s 1986 now, might be over now but I feel it still”
— Adrian

Portugal. The Man
Feel It Still
This song was my first exposure to Portugal. The Man and I’ve been a big fan ever since. The foot-tapping beat in this track is nearly as addictive as “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson but the lyrics are just plain cool: “Ooh-ooh, I’m a rebel just for kicks now, let me kick it like it’s 1986 now, might be over now but I feel it still”
— Adrian

Calibro 35
Notte In Bovisa
I used to listen to these songs while studying computer science in Milan. I would sit in a big underground study room located exactly under the campus' tram stop and I would hack on projects thinking of myself as a computer science gangster, while the trams above would make the room shake at regular intervals.
— Loris Cro (Zig SHOWTIME)

Calibro 35
Notte In Bovisa
I used to listen to these songs while studying computer science in Milan. I would sit in a big underground study room located exactly under the campus' tram stop and I would hack on projects thinking of myself as a computer science gangster, while the trams above would make the room shake at regular intervals.
— Loris Cro (Zig SHOWTIME)

Hans Zimmer, Steve Mazzaro and Andrew Kawzcynski
Breaking The Code
This slow building and full bodied track was recommended by Pedro Baretto from the Mojaloop Team in the days just before ProtoBeetle. Soon after, it was on heavy rotation. I found the title aptly named as Joran and I were hacking away at the Mojaloop code - removing parts and adding sections of our own in the search for performance gains. At some point our adventures even took us to the depths of node-rdkafka and lib-rdkafka. It turned out that breaking the code helped us achieve our first performance insight: everything is a batch.
— Don

Hans Zimmer, Steve Mazzaro and Andrew Kawzcynski
Breaking The Code
This slow building and full bodied track was recommended by Pedro Baretto from the Mojaloop Team in the days just before ProtoBeetle. Soon after, it was on heavy rotation. I found the title aptly named as Joran and I were hacking away at the Mojaloop code - removing parts and adding sections of our own in the search for performance gains. At some point our adventures even took us to the depths of node-rdkafka and lib-rdkafka. It turned out that breaking the code helped us achieve our first performance insight: everything is a batch.
— Don

The Protomen
Keep Quiet
As a storyteller, I couldn't let Keep Quiet from the band Protomen pass out. A story about a man who lives without fear in a dammed city ruled by an army of robots. This man is tired and will do anything to make these synthetic voices shut up at once with the support of a scientist. I love how much passion we find in this song, and it gives me the right vibe to not give up on my projects. And if you don't get the reference until now, yes, they sing about an apocalyptic future in the Megaman universe.
— Joy

The Protomen
Keep Quiet
As a storyteller, I couldn't let Keep Quiet from the band Protomen pass out. A story about a man who lives without fear in a dammed city ruled by an army of robots. This man is tired and will do anything to make these synthetic voices shut up at once with the support of a scientist. I love how much passion we find in this song, and it gives me the right vibe to not give up on my projects. And if you don't get the reference until now, yes, they sing about an apocalyptic future in the Megaman universe.
— Joy

Bob Dylan
She Belongs to Me
Before we started ProtoBeetle, Don and I spent time exchanging papers, doing a survey of the literature. We were asking ourselves: What would make for the best architecture? We wanted a replicated state machine, with fault-tolerance not only for failed hardware but also for slowly failing hardware. In other words, we wanted the design to work around transient latency spikes to ensure predictable performance and a smooth experience for the operator. Or as Bob Dylan put it, on the album Bringing It All Back Home: “She never stumbles, she's got no place to fall”.
— Joran

Bob Dylan
She Belongs to Me
Before we started ProtoBeetle, Don and I spent time exchanging papers, doing a survey of the literature. We were asking ourselves: What would make for the best architecture? We wanted a replicated state machine, with fault-tolerance not only for failed hardware but also for slowly failing hardware. In other words, we wanted the design to work around transient latency spikes to ensure predictable performance and a smooth experience for the operator. Or as Bob Dylan put it, on the album Bringing It All Back Home: “She never stumbles, she's got no place to fall”.
— Joran

Mumford & Sons
The Boxer
I have loved this song since I was a kid listening to the version by Simon and Garfunkel playing off my parents’ old LP. When I discovered this edition with Mumford and Sons (a band I already loved) I was hooked. The story of adventure and endurance through tough times always gets me fired up. The harmonies are incredible and it takes a special effort not to sing along in the office with my headphones on. The verse about the boxer always reminds me of another song by the legendary Johnny Clegg called Osiyeza which has a verse with the lyrics: “A punch-drunk man in a downtown bar takes a beating without making a sound. Through swollen eyes, he sways and he smiles, ‘cause no one can put him down.”
— Adrian

Mumford & Sons
The Boxer
I have loved this song since I was a kid listening to the version by Simon and Garfunkel playing off my parents’ old LP. When I discovered this edition with Mumford and Sons (a band I already loved) I was hooked. The story of adventure and endurance through tough times always gets me fired up. The harmonies are incredible and it takes a special effort not to sing along in the office with my headphones on. The verse about the boxer always reminds me of another song by the legendary Johnny Clegg called Osiyeza which has a verse with the lyrics: “A punch-drunk man in a downtown bar takes a beating without making a sound. Through swollen eyes, he sways and he smiles, ‘cause no one can put him down.”
— Adrian

The Wolf & Mr Fear
The band SIAMÉS knows how to transform fears into strength to make you go as far as you can. Both songs, The Wolf and Mr. Fear give us an uncomfortable sensation that will crush us at any moment and, at the same time, show us the right way to overcome it. This urging to surpass any difficulty is what makes me love these songs and the reason they are a must-have.
— Joy

The Wolf & Mr Fear
The band SIAMÉS knows how to transform fears into strength to make you go as far as you can. Both songs, The Wolf and Mr. Fear give us an uncomfortable sensation that will crush us at any moment and, at the same time, show us the right way to overcome it. This urging to surpass any difficulty is what makes me love these songs and the reason they are a must-have.
— Joy

Big Gigantic (featuring Angela McCluskey)
The Little Things - Kasbo Remix
This is a track I've been repeating a lot. Helps with appreciating and savouring things in life, regardless of their impact.
— Protty

Big Gigantic (featuring Angela McCluskey)
The Little Things - Kasbo Remix
This is a track I've been repeating a lot. Helps with appreciating and savouring things in life, regardless of their impact.
— Protty

Arik Einstein, Miki Gavrielov
Ani Ve’ata
Some of the best songs are those we share with our friends. This was shared with me by a security engineer I once worked with. It’s by Arik Einstein, one of the world’s greatest songwriters. The words translate to something like this: "You and I will change the world. You and I, by then all will follow. Others have said it before me. But it doesn't matter. You and I, we'll change the world. You and I will try from the beginning. It will be tough for us, no matter, it's not too bad. Others have said it before me. But it doesn't matter. You and I, we'll change the world."
— Joran

Arik Einstein, Miki Gavrielov
Ani Ve’ata
Some of the best songs are those we share with our friends. This was shared with me by a security engineer I once worked with. It’s by Arik Einstein, one of the world’s greatest songwriters. The words translate to something like this: "You and I will change the world. You and I, by then all will follow. Others have said it before me. But it doesn't matter. You and I, we'll change the world. You and I will try from the beginning. It will be tough for us, no matter, it's not too bad. Others have said it before me. But it doesn't matter. You and I, we'll change the world."
— Joran

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